Where are my Patches?

I thought I had posted something like this on my blog previously but I couldn’t find it when I was looking for someone earlier today. So here is the information anew. If my old blog post is not more than just a figment of my imagination, it probably needs updating anyway. 🙂

How do I find the latest/greatest patches for my database? Well the answer is often to apply the most recent quarterly Cumulative Patch Update (CPU). All too often on the MOSC and OTN forums, I see people who ask where the most recent CPU is and someone provides the patch number for them. That’s great but in 3 months, the info will be out of date. Here is how you can find your most recent patches for currently supported versions.

First, point your browser to OTN (http://otn.oracle.com) then in the Essential Links section, click on Critical Patch Updates.

The next page shows you each quarter’s CPU patches. Near the top of the page is a section showing you the CPUs. One thing I like about this page is that it shows you the next four release dates. In my screen shot below, the next CPU will be released on 18 Jan 2018. This is great for planning. As I write this on 8 Nov 2017, I know that I’m still more than 2 months away. But if I were looking for the most recent CPU and today were 17 Jan 2018, I’d probably just wait one more day to download the next newest CPU and be even more current.

The table that follows contains a link to each CPU. You can always find the most recent one at the top of the table. In the screenshot above, the Oct 2017 CPU can be seen as the most recent. Almost every time, you will be downloading the most recent CPU. But on rare occasions, you may be interested in one from the past. Click on the link under the Critical Patch Update page of the quarter you need.
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This will bring you to a page with a big table showing links to every possible CPU for every possible Oracle product. To get to the CPU, you will click on the link under the Patch Availability column. If you click on the link under the first column, as I have done more times than I’d like to admit, you will not end up in the correct place.

I typically only deal with the Database. So I scroll down the list of products until I find the Oracle Database Server line and then click on the Database link on the right.

That’s it, you have now arrived at the MOS Note for that quarter’s CPU for your product.

Happy patching!