19c DB RU results in ORA-65033 with PDBs

I am patching an Oracle Multitenant 19.13 database with the April 2022 RU which will bring my database version up to 19.15 (yes I skipped 19.14). When running datapatch against the PDBs, I received the following error stack for every PDB:

Patch 33806152 apply (pdb TST): WITH ERRORS
logfile: /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/sqlpatch/33806152/24713297/33806152_apply_ORCL_TST_2022May14_00_47_11.log (errors)
-> Error at line 468: script rdbms/admin/backport_files/bug_32583355_apply.sql
- ORA-65033: a common privilege may not be granted or revoked on a local object
- ORA-06512: at line 185
- ORA-06512: at line 61
- ORA-06512: at line 54
- ORA-06512: at line 130

Well the sneaky datapatch is trying to revoke permissions on what is perceived to be a local object, hence the ORA-65033 error.

These errors are a known issue with Bug 33806152 and can be ignored. If you want to suppress these error messages, you can instruct datapatch to ignore them by envoking database as follows:

datapatch -verbose -ignoreable_errors=”ORA-65033,ORA-06512″ -pdbs PDB_LIST